Pope Pontian and the ancient Gurguray
No prehistoric settlements were documented on the island of Molara, but at the dawn of Christianity, it is said that Pope Pontian was exiled there with the priest Ippolito. In the north west of the island, near Cala Chiesa, there are remains of a medieval single nave church, Romanesque style dedicated to St. Pontian. We do not know the original title of the church which is very similar to other Gallura constructions of this type like the church of San Leonardo di Balaiana at Luogosanto, in the inner Gallura region. The remains of a medieval town have been identified around this church and upstream the remains of a castle, probably the ancient Gurguray although there is not definitive information on its actual demographic consistency. In the fifteenth century, a monastery of nuns was on the island.
Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia